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Mesothelioma and U.S. Coast Guard Veterans

Coast Guard service members face extraordinary dangers every day as they protect our waterways and coastlines. Sadly, because asbestos has been widely used in Coast Guard vessels and infrastructure for decades, they are also at high risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. Â鶹Æƽâios helps mesothelioma Coast Guard victims secure legal compensation. Let us put our experience to work for you.

Mesothelioma Coast Guard

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Veterans of the U.S. Coast Guard risk their lives every day protecting our nation’s coastlines and waterways. However, the materials used in Coast Guard ships, aircraft, and building materials often contain asbestos, a carcinogenic mineral known for its heat-resistant properties.

Virtually anyone serving in the Coast Guard may encounter asbestos at some point during service, even if their jobs don’t require direct handling of the substance. Individuals whose service occurred before the 1990s or on vessels that have not yet been cleared of asbestos materials are at higher risk.

The experienced mesothelioma attorneys at Â鶹Æƽâios represent mesothelioma Coast Guard veterans in asbestos litigation. We can help you recover compensation through various legal avenues, including lawsuits and VA disability claims. Contact us today to learn more.

Mesothelioma Risk for U.S. Coast Guard Veterans

Historically, the fire-resistant properties of asbestos made it an attractive building material for Coast Guard ships, barracks, bases, and more. Nearly all Coast Guard cutters and other ships built before the 1990s contained asbestos, and anyone who served on these vessels is at risk of developing asbestos-related diseases. 

Even veterans whose service was land-based are at risk of illness since many military bases used asbestos for insulation, piping, and plumbing. Often, the symptoms of asbestos exposure-related diseases, including mesothelioma, don’t appear for decades, so victims may not realize they are sick until the disease is widespread in their bodies. Although treatments can increase life expectancy and reduce some symptoms, mesothelioma is not curable. 

Contact Us Today for a Free Mesothelioma Case Review.

Billions Recovered Nationwide for Veterans Exposed to Asbestos

Â鶹Æƽâios is a full-service personal injury firm. Our top-tier legal team has recovered over $4 billion in compensation for our clients, including service members in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force. Our mesothelioma settlements and verdicts for veterans include:

How Were U.S. Coast Guard Veterans Exposed to Asbestos?

Service members have been exposed to asbestos through all sorts of dangerous products used in vessels and infrastructure. Some asbestos-containing machinery, equipment, and materials you may have encountered as a Coast Guard service member include:

Asbestos in Boats

U.S. Coast Guard Cutters With Asbestos

The Coast Guard recognizes that most cutters built before 1991 contain asbestos. Many of those vessels are still in service decades later, and anyone who has worked on them is at risk of developing an asbestos-related illness. Other activities that increase the risk of asbestos exposure include renovation, repair, and removal of areas containing asbestos, especially when not wearing protective equipment.

A few known Coast Guard cutters containing asbestos that were in service until 2017 include:

U.S. Coast Guard Jobs at Risk of Asbestos Exposure

Though anyone who spent time on a military base or cutter while serving in the Coast Guard may be at risk of occupational asbestos exposure, certain professions are at higher risk than others. For example, veterans involved in building, maintaining, or repairing facilities and ships are likelier to come into frequent contact with asbestos-containing materials, including paint, thermal insulation, wiring, and piping. Service members and their families may also be at risk of secondary asbestos exposure.

coast guard technician smiling at camera
a mechanic


Coast Guard mechanics are responsible for keeping vehicles, helicopters, and aircraft in good shape. Their work may involve handling asbestos-containing products, such as brakes, engines, and motors. Repairing and replacing parts can release asbestos fibers into the air, increasing the risk of exposure, especially if workers aren’t wearing protective masks or clothing.

coast guard rescue team in boat
three people on a sea boat

Ship Personnel

Since asbestos was used so frequently in Coast Guard cutters, exposure to the substance was often inevitable for ship personnel. It was used to insulate pipes, boilers, engines, wiring, and other components that required protection from heat or fire. 

Coast Guard vessels are known for their tight, enclosed quarters, and service members often had nowhere to turn to avoid potential exposure. Repairs or retrofits on these vessels could quickly release asbestos fibers into the air, impacting workers and anyone nearby. 

men on a scaffolding
construction workers on scaffolding

Construction Workers

Coast Guard construction workers are responsible for building and repairing offices, barracks, and other structures on bases. Since asbestos was commonly used for insulation until the late 1980s, their work often involved handling the dangerous substance or products containing it. Again, repair or removal of asbestos-containing materials could also release asbestos fibers into the air.

longshoreman talking
three workers at a ship yard

Shipyard Workers

Coast Guard shipyard workers build, repair, and maintain vessels, which used to be widely insulated using asbestos. Their work put them at high risk of asbestos exposure since so many components of the ships contain asbestos. Even minor repairs could result in accidental inhalation of released asbestos fibers.

Financial Help for U.S. Coast Guard Veterans With Mesothelioma

Coast Guard veterans suffering from mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness may be eligible for different types of compensation. Â鶹Æƽâios can help you understand your legal options and pursue damages to help you pay for medical care and other costs. While we can’t restore your health, we can help you and your family secure a measure of justice and accountability from the parties responsible for your exposure.

Our Mesothelioma Lawyers for U.S. Coast Guard Veterans Are Here To Help

Â鶹Æƽâios has extensive experience helping mesothelioma Coast Guard victims secure justice and compensation. Legal avenues toward compensation include VA disability claims, mesothelioma lawsuits, and asbestos trust funds. We are here to make sure you know your full legal rights and options.

Let our skilled legal team help you determine where your asbestos exposure likely occurred and the products that contributed to your illness. Contact us today to schedule your free case review with a skilled mesothelioma lawyer.

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